Learning Rust with a Java Background

Last year, I volunteered with TEALS, working with a local teacher once a month who was teaching the AP CS class. There was some extra time at the end of the year, so my teacher requested that I put together some materials to teach the kids something new. Since I was teaching myself Rust at the time, I decided to write a guide specifically aimed at high school students who have learned some Java but are now interested in Rust. I was heavily inspired by the Rust Book, but tried to simplify it so you could make it through in about one and a half hours. I’d love feedback on it and I hope someone finds it useful.

Rust Tutorial for AP CS (Java) Students

Introduction to Scala

I signed myself up to teach a Scala class through Girl Develop It Pittsburgh a few months ago and the class was supposed to be tomorrow. I say "supposed to" because we only had two people sign up, so we ended up canceling. However, I still made a presentation! And since I spent all that time on a presentation, I decided to make a set of screencasts to accompany that presentation. If you've ever been interested in trying out Scala, I hope this helps. If you need any help or want me to go through some other aspect of Scala, feel free to contact me.

Find the rest of the series here.

SQL is the best!

I gave a SQL tutorial at PyLadies Boston last night and it was pretty fun. We used sqlite3 (which is definitely my least favorite DBMS, but it does come installed on pretty much every Linux/Unix machine by default and is the default for Django so I decided it was the best tool for this particular job. Giving a tutorial on something I used daily and have used consistently for 7 years was a bit weird because I did forget a few things because it didn't even cross my mind that people wouldn't know. For example: I initially neglected to mention that every statement needs a semicolon at the end and that you can't mix quotes (no " with '). Consider that was the bulk of all the issues, I'm feeling pretty successful right now! Take a look at the full tutorial below and let me know what you think.